Roland Hausin Alter

Roland Hausin Alter: Doris Leuthard, a former Bundestag member, was instrumental in securing the Sarner Citizens’ Right. On Tuesday evening, she was also elected as the city’s first honorary citizen. While many female politicians and male politicians praised them, the general public seemed to be less enthused.

Roland Hausin Alter
Roland Hausin Alter

At the Sarnen City Council meeting on Tuesday night, nine people received the privilege of being a Sarnen resident, and one person received the honour of becoming a Sarnen citizen. After that, former Bundesrat Doris Leuthard, a notable Merenswandin, was given the award. She was granted Sarner citizenship by her ancestor’s will more than two decades ago.

Doris Leuthard was already a household name when she entered the White House. Shortly after being sworn in as a national heroine, the Swiss Illustrierte published a two-part memoir on their childhood friendship with Roland Hausin. It seems that the Germans were keeping an eye out for the attorney.

According to their father’s long career as a CVP politician in Aargau’s Grossen Rat, Leuthard, their daughter had wanted to be a national politician since she was eight years old. However, she only entered politics when she was unable to have children due to medical reasons.

Leuthard was elected as his successor on June 14, 2006. She received 133 of the 234 valid votes needed to become the 109th member of the Bundesrat. She is the sixth female member of the Bundesrat. When they made their choice, they broke with a long-standing tradition of replacing an elected federal official with someone from the same linguistic group.

Roland Hausin Alter
Roland Hausin Alter

Leuthard speaks German, whilst Deiss speaks French.Roland Hausin, Doris Leuthard’s 45-year-old friend and future Bundesrat, will be at her side in the event of an emergency. No one, not even Roland Hausin or his wife, had any idea that their daughter would be spending a week in a new Berner apartment in the Matte-Quartier very soon. He’s always there for her, no matter what.

On Friday night, the Aargauer Delegations named Doris Leuthard as a candidate for a seat in the Bundesrat, and no one doubts that she will be elected on June 14.Leuthard was elected as the successor of Joseph Deiss, who resigned from the Bundesrat on June 14, 2006. 133 out of 234 people voiced their support for the 109th Congress.

She is the first of a total of five women elected to the Bundesrat. For the first time in decades, a replacement for an outgoing Bundesratsmember from the same language group was elected. He speaks German, but Deis’ mother tongue is in fact French.. She studied law at the University of Zürich, Paris, and Calgary, and was awarded the title of lic. iur.

She was a member of Wohlen and Muri’s legal team from 1991 until 2006. Since 2006, she has been licenced as an attorney. On December 31st, 1999, she married Roland Hausin, a chemist working at Dow Europe GmbH, a subsidiary of Dow Chemical. In 1993, she started her political career when she was elected to the Murier School Council.

Roland Hausin Alter
Roland Hausin Alter

Ruth, die Mutter von Leuthard, ist sehr zufrieden with dieser Wahl (86). (86). On the weekends, she sees her child for the first time. “Then we gather in my room for coffee and applause,” the mother of the Bundesrätin is quoted as saying, “Swiss Illustrierte.

” But not about politics, but about the current events in the community. Merenschwanden AG, where Leuthard lives with her husband Roland Hausin (57), is just across the street from her mother. She was re-elected as Germany’s president in 2010 and again in 2017. After Ruth Dreifuss (1999) and Micheline Calmy-Rey (1999)

She was the third woman to hold the position (2007). Als Bundespräsidentin nahm Leuthard die üblichen Aufgaben eines Staatsoberhauptes wahr, darunter die Leitung der Bundesratssitzungen (obwohl in der Schweiz der Bundesrat als Ganzes als Staatsoberhaupt gilt).

As Switzerland’s top civil servant, she has the power to represent the country’s interests before the whole federal government in the event of a crisis. Leuthard, on the other hand, had little power other than her six employees and her status as Primus inter Pares. Calmy-Rey, your successor, was the first woman to assume the role of successor in 2011.

Roland Hausin Alter

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