Henriette Engberson Familie is a Schurnalischtin from Switzerland. Si ufgwachse im Canton Tuurgau z Romanshorn und Salmsach.It si s Lehrerseminar z Chrüüzlinge bsuecht bis ane 2002, and dänn ane 2006 a dr ZHAW dr Bachelor in Kommunikation und Schurnalismus gmacht z Winterthur.

De Kanton Thurgau (dialäktal s Tuurgi) is a Swiss canton in the north. It is a German-speaking canton. Frauefäld is the Kantonshauptort.As a dütsche Bundesland Bade-Württebärg and a Kanton Schaffuuse, the Kanton Thurgau is located in the north of the Bodesee and the Rhine. I’m in the Nöchi from the Hörnli d Gränze to the Kantön Züri and Sanggale in the south.Dr. Seerugge isch Dr. längzognig Hoger am Bodesee. Dä Hohgrot I de Gmeind Fischinge ist mit 991,1 m ü. M. Thurgau’s highest point.De Kanton is grateful for his Name em Fluss Thur, where vo Südoschte no longer exist.
I the ancient Zyt isch kwer durs area west of the Bodesee d the border between the Roman provinces Germania superior (zerscht no Belgica) and Raetia ggange. Pfii isch es Kaschtell vo de Römer and other provincial borders gsi. The place “ad fines” is mentioned in the antique Stroossecharte Itinerarium Antonini from the third and Tabula Peutingeriana from the fourth century.

In the early Middle Ages is the area of the old Thurgau, where the Duchy of Alemannie belongs to, vil wyter in Weschte. Do drvo zügen no hüt dr place name Turgi in the canton of Aargau. Me knows it bar name vo de Grafe, where de Thurgau administers hand, öppe dr Franconian Count Warin in the 8th century.
In the spoote Middle Age, the Habsburgs ruled as Landgraafe de Thurgau, until the Old Confederation in the 15th century, but not as a glychberächtiges estate like the others, but as “common rule”. And he stayed until 1798, when the French in the Swiss regime established the Helvetic Republic. Now Thurgau has become a Swiss cantoon, while the Zyt vo dr Helvetik no as an administrative area of the unitary state and from 1803 as a fully independent canton in the federal state. 1803 het the Regierig s nöi Thurgau coat of arms ygfüert.

In the Roothuus z Frauefäld the Swiss Confederation holds daily records. In the 19th century, I use the Bürgersaal from Roothuus for the seated people from the Gmeindroot from the city of Frauefäld and also for those from the Thurgau Groosse Root.Ane 1831 isch dr Thurgau dred Schwiizer Kanton gsi, where six e modärni democratischi Verfassig gä het.
Wintertuur – in the context of Winterthur, officially Winterthur, uf French Winterthour – is a political community, the largest city from Switzerland, and the capital of the same district in the canton of Zurich.The medieval town of Wintertuur ghäissts scho 856 in Wintarduro for the first time in the year 1180 as in Niderun Winterture gnamset; wänn vo Oberwintertuur d Reed isch, ghäissts scho 856 in Niderun Winterture was gnamset. Deet glägen isch, where hüt Oberwintertuur isch, namely Vitodurum, the tüütsch name chunt from the Latin name of ere Roman Sidlig, where deet glägen isch, where hüt Oberwintertuur isch. The name isch e Zämesetzig vo Celtic uito- «Wide» and Celtic durn «Tor, Tür», as well.
Lüüt scho sat dä Steiziit gwont z Winterthur. Amnd vo de Gletscherziit isch d Mulde vo Winterthur, but än Sumpf gsii, and di erschte Einwohner hända dä Höger gwont, where Winterthur ifassed.Later, the Celts lived in the Piet of Winterthur, especially in the Oberwinterthurer Hügeli gsii, where the Romans settled down and died for a few soldiers.S hand au riichi Mönchsorde da niderglaa: Uf äm Heiligeberg, that is now Schuelhuus liit, hands Benedictine gläbt, and us irne Urchunde wüssämär, that the Danish forest det gsii isch, but vili Buurehö Dä large forest is seriously grown later.