Arnold Schwarzenegger Vermögen Arnold Schwarzenegger is arguably the most famous Austrian alive today. He saw the light of the world on July 30, 1947, in Thal, Steiermark. In recent years, there has even been a Schwarzenegger Museum, which opened in 2011 in his childhood home.

Since then, a colossal Arnie statue has adorned the entrance — with a height of three metres and in typical Bodybuilder fashion, it is unquestionably the best symbol for his illustrious life.
As an action movie star, he was able to rake in millions of dollars, which he supplemented with lucrative advertising deals. But he accomplished a lot as a businessman, with numerous investments, and as a politician. The Superstar’s personal wealth is estimated to be over 365 million euros.
From bodybuilder to multimillionaire superstar and politician
Arnold Schwarzenegger grew up in the Gendarmerie’s Dienstwohnung in a former Forsthaus in the Austrian municipality of Thal. Arnold Schwarzenegger began bodybuilding when he was 14 years old. He owed it to his selfless Ehrgeiz because he became the world’s best and most famous bodybuilder in such a short period of time.
In his sporting career, the Muskelprotz has been crowned Mister Olympia seven times and Mister Universum five times. Schwarzenegger left his homeland on August 8, 1966, and moved to the United States, where he completed a business degree at the University of Wisconsin.
He made a profit with his numerous prize funds by investing them in real estate and the direct sale of bodybuilding equipment. Schwarzenegger’s business acumen paid off, and he was already a multimillionaire before he had even made his first film. In 2003, he entered politics and was elected as the Governor of California. He was re-confirmed in his position in 2007 and was given the second and final term possible under California law. Sein yearly income as a Gouverneur is estimated to be around 175,000 dollars, which is significantly less than the earnings from the Schauspielerei.

„Geld is not so important,” Schwarzenegger once said. It makes no difference to me if I had 70 or 50 million dollars.” A unique and interesting piece of evidence.
When he ran for Governor in 2003, he boasted about how wealthy he was and how he would be a financially self-sufficient Governor of California. Because candidates for public office in California are required to declare their assets, the public was informed at the time that Schwarzenegger had earned almost 57 million dollars between 2000 and 2001. He spent around $5 million for a good cause as a result of this.
Schwarzenegger, on the other hand, continued to make the majority of his money in the film industry. For example, he made $75,000 with his first Terminator picture. Schwarzenegger owns a restaurant chain in Los Angeles and invests a large portion of his wealth in government bonds, in addition to numerous properties in Ohio and California. The Hollywood star is a partner in an investment fund and owns stakes in Starbucks, Wal Mart, Coca-Cola, and PepsiCo.
Schwarzenegger not only plays a gunfighter in his movies, but he also owns all of the weapons he used in the blockbusters. Maschinengewehre, Granatwaffen and -werfer, as well as Uzi-Maschinenpistolen, are among the weapons available.

“I still have no idea how many weapons I have,” Arnold told the Frankfurter Rundschau in 2013. In his collection, he even has a real tank – an M47 Patton Tank, which was used by the US government during the Cold War and served with Schwarzenegger throughout his basic training. Also among his possessions is the military vehicle “Humvee” (also known as the Hummer H1), which he received as the first civilian ever.
In the beginning of 2014, the US beer brand “Bud Light” paid the star three million dollars for a beer commercial (also rund 2,2 Millionen Euro). When you consider that the spot only lasts about 30 seconds, it’s a lucrative income. Arnold Schwarzenegger landed his first film role in the 1970 film “Herkules in New York.” He didn’t become well-known until 1982, when he starred in the film “Conan the Barbarian.” Schwarzenegger was also a successful director, with films such as “Tales from the Crypt” (1990) and “Christmas in Connecticut” (1992).