Amazon Gründer Vermögen Bezos is the wealthiest man on the planet, thanks to the profits generated by Amazon’s e-commerce business in recent years. Jeff Bezos has a net worth of 165,83 billion euros.

He dethroned long-time rival and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates as the wealthiest man on the planet for the first time on July 27, 2017. Unfortunately, following the Börsenschluss, Amazon’s stock price skyrocketed, and the title quickly vanished. However, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has been the wealthiest man on the planet since October 27, 2017, despite his wife MacKenzie’s opulent wealth of – Euros.
In the third quarter of 2021, Amazon’s current AWS CEO Andy das Ruder will step down as CEO, and Bezos will become the company’s administrative chief, overseeing all major decisions. The Amazon-Gründer flog into space for the first time on July 20, 2021, with his space company Blue Origin.
The Amazon Chefs’ Unbelievable Wealth
In recent years, Jeff Bezos has outlived a number of notable figures, including billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch, who are most known in the United States for their significant influence on the country’s politics. No one else’s fortune could have grown as much in a year as Bezos’. E
ven Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Google’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin were unable to achieve what Amazon had accomplished under Bezos’ leadership. It is expected that Amazon’s revenue will continue to rise year after year, and that the stock will continue to reach new highs.
Only Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and a tech billionaire, continues to compete for the top spot among the world’s wealthiest people. Bezos was born in the United States in the year 1964 as Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bezos lays the foundation for his later success during his time at Princeton University, where he received a Summa Cum Laude for his graduation.
He studied Elektrotechnik and Informatik there, earning two Bachelor’s degrees at the same time. Because Bezos’ family was not particularly well-off, Amazon’s success has grown solely on his shoulders. However, Bezos first took a job on Wall Street and worked in the field of applied informatics. Bezos began his career as an independent entrepreneur with the firm Fitel, which specialised in international trade.

Amazon’s success storey, on the other hand, began in 1994. Amazon, like many of America’s most successful and well-known companies, got its start in a garage. Out his way from New York to Seattle in 1994, when Bezos was still driving, he worked on Amazon’s whole business plan. Völlig convinced of his idea to devote himself to Leib and Seele in his new company. During this time, he left his well-paid job at a New York hedge fund. During his time on Wall Street, Jeff Bezos was acutely aware of how quickly the Internet, and thus the Internet marketplace, was evolving. In the same year, the United States Supreme Court decided that.
Amazon sells books about Jeff Bezos.
Amazon’s purchases and profits
Amazon has acquired a large number of businesses and startups throughout the years. Jeff Bezos’ decisions were frequently quite strategic, and they had the effect of bringing Amazon’s background into other business fields.
Sorted by price are the most important Amazon purchases:
Vollwertkost – 13,7 Billion Dollars in 2017
In 2009, Zappos had a market capitalization of $120 billion dollars.
Twitch – 790 million dollars in 2014.
Kiva Systems – 780 million dollars in 2012. made a 650 million dollar profit in 2017.
Quidsi – 550 million dollars in 2010.
Elemental Tech – 500 Million Dollars in 2015.
Annapurna Labs — 370 million dollars in 2015.
Hörbar – 300 Million Dollars in 2008
Alexa – 250 million dollars in 1999
Goodreads – 150 Million Dollars in 2013
Woot – 110 million dollars in 2010. was founded in 1999 and has a market capitalization of $100 million.
IMBD – 60 Million Dollars in 1998
The Amazon CEO, through his ownNash Holdings LLC, paid $250 million for the prestigious newspaper “The Washington Post” in 2013.
Jeff Bezos has made some wise investments.
Aside from Amazon, Bezos is also a private investor in a number of startups. During this time, he put a lot of money into Google, among other things. Following his trip to the stock exchange, Bezos sold his Google shares.

Everfi – 190 million dollars in 2017.
UNITY Biotech – 116 Million Dollars in 2016
Airbnb made 112 million dollars in 2011.
Domo – 60 Million Dollars in 2013
Stapelüberlauf – 40 Million Dollars in 2015
Uber – 37 million dollars in 2011.
Business Insider – 25 Million Dollars in 2015.
Business Insider – 12 Million Dollars in 2014